Chase and I were looking forward to Colin's fifth annual outdoor
birthday event, Colinoba V.He designed an Urban Adventure race that involved bus riding, beer drinking, trekking, andvarious "special" events. We decided to call our team "Disco" (after all our runs in Discovery Park), and got outfits to match. We both showed up with the same crazy afro.
We started the race at Eastlake Bar and Grill with a collection of ninjas, leprechauns and other costumed creatures, and we all caught the bus down to Denny Park for a group pictureat our first checkpoint. Then the race was on.
In our first leg, we looped through Seattle Center and got to ride the bumper cars, play with orcas, and go to the theatre. We hopped the bus to Fremont for the mandatory pub CP at the Red Door.Here we had a choice between collecting business cards and doing a sudoku puzzle. I chose the latter,as I was still finishing my beer.
Our second leg took us north to Woodland Park, past the Tangletown pub, and back into wallingford.In Woodland Park, we had to discover
the name of Colin's third favorite beer by running around to look for letters on trees, and after finding enough of them, build an anagram. How do you spell "xxxxx"?The answer was "Pike XXXXX Stout", but when we read an E as an F, we were temporarily stumped. Eventuallywe worked it out.
At Wallingford Center, our attempts to buy a cupcake were foiled by a large mob of teenagers
who had gottenin line in front of us. Is this how we want to spend our day? Jen Jerabek saved the day by buying a cupcakeoff of one customer so that we could all get our picture taken, and then we quickly headed off to
At Murphy's, we completed a crossword puzzle to discover a hidden message: go to Wallingford and 43rd to doa special task! The special task turned out to be a human wheelbarrow obstacle course. As the wheelbarrow,I did not have enough core strength to finish,
and I crumpled into the dirt, sustaining injuries when I landedon my disco ball neclace. But the race must go on.
Chase and I finished with a long sweet jog back to Eastlake, passing Speedy Reedy to try on some cycling clothes,and passing the infamous "WALL OF DEATH". We retired to the upstairs of Eastlake Bar and Grill for the afterpartyand some
great stories.

We started the race at Eastlake Bar and Grill with a collection of ninjas, leprechauns and other costumed creatures, and we all caught the bus down to Denny Park for a group pictureat our first checkpoint. Then the race was on.

In our first leg, we looped through Seattle Center and got to ride the bumper cars, play with orcas, and go to the theatre. We hopped the bus to Fremont for the mandatory pub CP at the Red Door.Here we had a choice between collecting business cards and doing a sudoku puzzle. I chose the latter,as I was still finishing my beer.
Our second leg took us north to Woodland Park, past the Tangletown pub, and back into wallingford.In Woodland Park, we had to discover

At Wallingford Center, our attempts to buy a cupcake were foiled by a large mob of teenagers
who had gottenin line in front of us. Is this how we want to spend our day? Jen Jerabek saved the day by buying a cupcakeoff of one customer so that we could all get our picture taken, and then we quickly headed off to

At Murphy's, we completed a crossword puzzle to discover a hidden message: go to Wallingford and 43rd to doa special task! The special task turned out to be a human wheelbarrow obstacle course. As the wheelbarrow,I did not have enough core strength to finish,

Chase and I finished with a long sweet jog back to Eastlake, passing Speedy Reedy to try on some cycling clothes,and passing the infamous "WALL OF DEATH". We retired to the upstairs of Eastlake Bar and Grill for the afterpartyand some

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